So what is there to be very wary of? I’ll tell you. Come closer so I can whisper it: “Everything.” That’s right, you heard me. Everything! Not that I’m paranoid. Or maybe I am. Maybe you should be worried that I am. And maybe it’s contagious! Maybe the mere suggestion can leap to your brain and burrow into your subconscious where you will be subliminally infected. Maybe it will spread like germs to every surface, on every breath, until it becomes one big whopping flipped-out pandemic of fear.
Great. Now you’ve got me paranoid.
Don’t you hate when people tell you there’s nothing to worry about? It’s all in your head? Try not to think about it anymore? Well, too bad, because I’m telling that to you. Here goes.
There, there, I’m sure everything will be fine. Or if not, at least you’ll know that you were right. About me being right. In which case, you should worry. You should worry a lot. Especially today, for I am writing this on The Ides Of March!
(Ominous tympanic drum roll.)
Beware. Of dogs and senators. Gummy bears and jelly beans (they get stuck in your teeth). I’m serious. If there were a season for paranoia, this would be it. March is synonymous with mania, for one thing. So hang onto your hats! Your marbles too.
The Ides are associated with betrayal. Not to mention daggers. Here’s a good tip: If ever you’re surrounded by politicians wearing togas, run for your life!
Then there’s that pesky Hare who might pop out and lead you astray. The Vernal Equinox, balancing twelve hours of daylight with twelve hours of darkness. And weeds stirring, plants leaping, life Spring-ing up all over the place! The weather’s often moody, the air shuddery. It’s no wonder you’re a wreck. I’d be too, were I you.
Beware while you can. It doesn’t last long. Not long at all. It’s much too short, in fact. Only thirty-one days. On the thirty-second, just when you feel it is safe to no longer feel safe, you have to turn around and adjust your attitude, accept that it’s going to be okay. I find it all rather confusing. I wouldn’t want to be you. Try to put yourself in your position. Think, for example, if there were a giant conspiracy wherein almost everyone else decided to change their clocks by an hour, either forward or back, and nobody told you! Imagine how you’d feel. I know the feeling. It happens to me all the time. Things keep going on about me of which I haven’t a clue!
I don’t even know why I’m typing this, or what I’m attempting to say. And I guess that’s as good a reason as any for writing a poem or three. Here, then, goes nothing . . .
Do you think me paranoid
To prefer to avoid
The unpleasantries and piffles
The fiddle-faddled miffles
Of come whatever may
At the dawning of the day?
Is it really so unbidden
That I’d rather remain hidden
Than face The Unknown
While standing quite alone
Without a single shred
Of sense left in my head?
If you stood in my shoes
And just once paid my dues
You might then realize
That I’m less scared than wise
For there’s cause to be undary
In this world, bewary very!
There are monsters afoot
There are sneaks who may put
Your entire life at risk
With nary a tisk
You must wary very be
Or else — wind up like me.
It isn’t too much fun
I will caution everyone
To never myself be
For I’m less than what you see
So bewary when you’re small
Or you’ll never grow as tall.
In the pinch of an instant
One minute past a tick
When your clock springs forward
Yet the hands seem to stick
And you lose an hour
That you never really gained
And the time is a-wasting
But it wasn’t preordained
So you shrug it aside
With a tepid platitude
Like you know where you’re going
And you’re not being rude
While inside you’re a-jitter
And extremely out of whack
For the times are a-changing
And you’d like to get some back.
By the blink of an eye
You have aged one more tock
In this vain March of madnesses
Below every rock
Lies the shade of a doubt
Neath the glimmering truth
That you clutch at like sanity
Yet fritter like youth
As it spills through your fingertips
And soaks in the ground
Much like teardrops and rain
But as fleeting as sound
Your whole life is thus wafted
Though your hopes remain strong
For you know in that instant
What you’ve known all along.
With the flick of a sweep
In that small space of Time
One day becomes the morrow
Out of silence rings a chime
Yet nothing really changes
In each second that is spanned
For all the cadent Marches
Set back by Autumn’s hand
Whether marked by click or cuckoo
Jarred by gong or ding
However swift or slowly
The pendulum does swing
We all of us are prone
To the passage of this Life
So step to the beat
Of your heart’s drum and fife.
Two tragic fates were born this date
One’s death was struck, run out of luck
The other cried, yet lived not died
And would end as horribly.
A Roman’s name would lead to fame
His path of glory the well-told story
This man’s renown became a crown
Which sealed his tragedy.
The child aspired to not be mired
In women’s work, such toil did shirk
Her dream was art; to paint, her heart
But this was not to be.
From Caesar’s will his blood did spill
As blades did pierce, his pulse beat fierce
A trusted friend would at the end
Besmirch his loyalty.
Lorene did wed a man ill-bred
A craven spouse, the dirty louse
Her faith did wound, her children ruined
And one of them was me.
Two lives were led, demises sped
Both left their marks and swam with sharks
In different ages, on distant stages
Applauded by poetry.
And so it is said in books still read
On March’s Ides heed well the tides
For they may turn, as trust they spurn
From the depths of treachery.